
If you're a fan of time based word games then this one's for you. The aim of the game is to find as many words as you can before the timer runs out. It keeps as close to traditional Boggle as possible.
"Go head-to-head with Pass 'n Play, or email friends and challenge them to a word duel! Try Challenge Mode, Advanced Mode, or make your own rules in Self-Score Mode."

I'm a fan of word games, what can I say? The official Scrabble game is one of the best word games out on iPad. The game is self-explanatory and keeps as close to traditional Scrabble as possible.
"Challenge friends, anytime, anywhere. Connect with friends on Facebook® and play up to 25 games at a time, square off via Pass N' Play, or Local Network Play. Try the iPad exclusive Party Play mode, too."

This version of Yahtzee was very interesting compared to most others. It features several different gameplay styles and even an adventure mode. The scoring is identical to traditional Yahtzee, but the gameplay itself is a different experience.
"Try your luck in a number of modes, including head-to-head in Duplicate Rainbow Mode – an iPad exclusive! Shake it with family and friends. Connect via Facebook and post high scores and issue friendly challenges. Keep that social touch that's always been a part of the fun of playing YAHTZEE!"

Everybody loves Tetris, right? This is one of the best adaptations of the game that I've come across, with traditional Tetris gameplay as well as Tetris 'magic', a version of Tetris where you have tools at your disposal to alter the Tetris blocks.
"Bolder, brighter HD graphics, with all-new intuitive controls and features — this TETRIS® game is unlike any you've played before. It's an absolute iPad essential."

I was surprised that EA Games knocked this game down in price as it had only recently been released. I've been playing this one a fair bit and it's pretty complex, and stays true to traditional Sim City.
"The HD-quality graphics and realistic animation provide vividly textured terrain that you'll want to reach out and touch. Easily "fingerpaint" masses of trees, water, and land with a simple swipe of your finger."
Also on iPad for the low price of 0.99USD are Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, Snood, Pictureka, CLUE: Secrets & Spies, Reckless Racing, Madden NFL 11, Command and Conquer Red Alert, Mirror's Edge and Need for Speed Shift. Remember, these are only the iPad games that are on sale. There are still dozens of iPhone games on sale from EA Games so run in and grab them while you can!